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Hi Vlad, the game is great. It's quite addictive. I like the slow addition of different mechanics. I agree with Marco - you could do some work on the UI. Is it possible to get the game/canvas scalable so you can play it in browser when it is not full screen? Also the level select is a bit awkward on lower monitor resolutions. Finally, can you try to deploy the game for mobile use? I think the explosion mechanic would work extremely well on that! On the whole this is outstanding though. I would pay money to play a finished version of this game.

Thanks for the feedback. I have tried different things with the browser canvas but its quite strange how it works and  I can't figure out how to fix that. The canvas is scalable, it just does it very strangely in the browser. There is a button on the bottom right corner to open the game in full screen so it should work on any monitor full screen.

As of the mobile market, I have uploaded it on to the google play store and it is just pending the review from Google itself, so keep an eye out there!

And wow! Thanks :D


Nice one! The game feels great, the bomb itself i feel is already pretty good. I think that the fact that you need to learn how to use it is part of the fun.

What I would try, is to add clarity of UI, and to make sure that it is even clearer what is the goal. Also, remember that failing is a key part of a game (especially hyper casual games), so push the fun in failing! Make some cool "death" animations or effects to push the game feel when the player fails.

Thanks Marco! Many more visual effects coming up soon like death animations / effects, bomb explosion particles and maybe some camera effects too.. but that might be for a bit later :)

Several people have said that they enjoyed it more when the bomb explosion did not have an upwards modifier so you might want to try and see how that feels (it can be controlled in the settings).

Thanks again :)